Ramp Travel

Smarter business travel, from booking to book close

Book flights and hotels at the lowest rates, automatically enforce customizable travel policies, and automate expenses throughout a trip—all from one platform.


Custom travel policies, built right in

Keep expenses in check as your business expands.

Set precise controls before takeoff.

Customize guardrails to prevent out-of-policy spend, from per-diems to hotel rates. Ramp can also create flexible controls based on market rate.

Set precise controls before takeoff

Speed up approvals while staying compliant.

Set smart workflows for Ramp to loop in the right approvers based on team, amount, GL code, and more.

Speed up approvals while staying compliant

Incentivize employees to spend less.

Opt to split savings with employees that book more cost-effective options.

Incentivize employees to spend less

“Ramp gives me the ability to set the controls I need, and also gives employees the freedom and flexibility to book travel easily. They can be confident it’s in policy.”

Andrew Clarke

VP of Finance, Studs

Effortless business travel that’s always in policy.

Designed to make saving easier.

Simplify business travel for all.

Ramp Travel is intuitive for employees, with clear in-policy booking options and seamless expense management.

Secure up to 50% savings.

Choose from Priceline's flight and hotel inventory, with no platform booking fees.

Secure up to 50% savings

Book with any travel platform or provider

Buy flights or hotels on any platform—Ramp will check bookings against your policy, match them to your trip, and automatically categorize them, too.

+100 more
Book with any travel platform or provider

Focus on your trip, not expense reports.

Ramp collects and matches receipts across all transactions, and routes to the right budget and category. It instantly generates receipts for certain purchases, and saves recurring memos.

Oversee travel spend as it happens.

Close the books without delays.

Act in the moment, not a month later.

Get a real-time view of all company spend to spot trends and prevent out-of-policy transactions.

Fast-track book close.

Automatically flag out-of-policy expenses for review to keep your business compliant. Easily send approved details into your ERP.

Fast-track book close

See Ramp Travel in action

Want to learn more?See the interactive demo

Time is money. Save both.