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Our Accounting Spotlights highlight inspirational leaders in the profession who are making a difference for their clients and community. Know someone who deserves to be featured? Submit a nomination.

In our Accountant Spotlight series, we shine a light on the people who are reshaping the world of accounting through their innovative approaches and impactful work. Today, we're excited to introduce Liz Mangan, Senior Accounting Associate at Furey.

Liz's journey is one of inspiration—from a young girl impressed by her father’s accountant to herself becoming a key driver of accounting innovation at Furey. Let’s dive in.

From aspirations to innovation

Growing up, Liz’s father owned his own company and would often invite her on deep sea fishing trips with him and his accountant, who'd charter the boat each year. These fun memories opened her eyes to how rewarding and aspirational the accounting profession could be. Liz’s admiration of the field continued in college, as she dove headfirst into an accounting program. Her early interest, coupled with a discovery of her aptitude for problem-solving and precision, set her career's foundation.

Reflecting on these moments, Liz shared, "Even today, I try to bring these elements into my personal life. I do a lot of puzzles with my friends and I enjoy all the different strategies you can take to get the same outcome. You can start with the corners or the middle, or group pieces by color or shape. But you can’t see the end result without the complete pieces fitting accurately together.”

Crafting a career of impact

After an accounting internship, Liz started tutoring at a small business specializing in alternative learning for children with special needs and autism. The draw of accounting was irresistible, and Liz adeptly found an opportunity to run the company’s QuickBooks account and became their in-house expert. Liz's trajectory is a testament to making deliberate choices. Post-college, she worked in public accounting for four years at Grant Thornton before coming to Furey, where Liz now blends her love for client service with a keen interest in technology.

Liz is part of Furey's powerhouse team of accounting, finance, and technology experts supporting high-growth startups. Furey partners with a diverse mix of venture-backed companies, providing the best guidance and the smartest technology. The proof is in the numbers: their clients have collectively raised more than $2 billion in funding to date.

As Liz explained, “Beyond just our services, Furey is really focused on helping startups scale at every stage of growth. We do this by building efficient, accurate, and scalable solutions.” Liz’s proactive stance on client service, coupled with strategic planning for the future, showcases her commitment to not just meeting but exceeding client expectations.

Leveraging technology for client success

Liz’s approach to accounting transcends traditional methods, with a keen focus on applying cutting-edge technology to solve client challenges. A standout example of her impact involved helping a healthcare startup improve AP management. When they came to Furey seeking a system that was user friendly, and had capabilities for approval routings, cost management, machine-learned coding, and easier vendor set-up, Ramp was a standout solution. As Furey was already familiar with Ramp’s corporate card solution, this provided an avenue to transition the client’s existing system into Ramp Bill Pay.

A testament to Liz's forward-thinking strategy, she and her team embrace Ramp’s AI and machine learning features to streamline operations and maintain timely payments. "Ramp is also super dynamic. There are so many added features and functionality that foster a seamless cost flow process tailored to what our clients need," Liz remarked. Her enthusiasm for Ramp's capabilities, from advanced approval routings to comprehensive functionality, underscores her commitment to enhancing accounting processes.

The client’s tech migration was seamless, as Furey used Ramp’s robust FAQs and tutorials to drive efficiency. By centralizing all communications, vendor details, and internal comments in one place, Furey empowered their client to adopt a hand-off approach to AP management. Unlocking this strategic offering saved the client valuable time so they could focus on growing their business, supported by a back-end process they trust.

Beyond Ramp, Liz and her team at Furey rely on a blend of cutting-edge tools, including their proprietary platform, Terminal, which acts as a centralized hub for audit-friendly workflows and client dashboards. "Our TechOps team is pivotal. They’re always up to speed on the latest in Google Apps Scripts, SQL, custom APIs, as well as AI so they can build the most efficient and scalable tools."

Beyond professional achievements

Liz's life outside of work is rich with reading, traveling, and spending time with loved ones, reflecting a well-rounded individual who values balance and continuous growth.

Her diverse interests, ranging from quantum physics to crime fiction, mirror the curiosity and drive for knowledge that also fuel her professional endeavors. She's passionate about continuous learning, and has recently focused on AI and machine learning to build for her personal and professional future. This holistic approach to life and work positions Liz as a modern accounting professional who isn't just navigating change but actively driving it.

In summary

Liz Mangan's journey with Furey exemplifies how passion, innovation, and strategic foresight can profoundly impact the accounting landscape and the broader startup ecosystem. Through her dedication to client service, commitment to leveraging technology, and ethos of continuous learning, Liz embodies the spirit of modern accounting professionals.

Know an accountant like Liz who provides exceptional service and tech-forward solutions? Nominate them for our Spotlight Series, and let's celebrate the heroes behind the numbers together.

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Head of Accounting Partner Channel, Ramp
Brad Gustafson leads the Accounting Partnerships Channel at Ramp. He has spent the past decade advising and consulting thousands of accounting firms across the United States, including managing Top 100 accounting firm partnerships as an Enterprise Account Director at Xero. He is motivated to help build a community of accountants around Ramp who are passionate about new technologies and the opportunities they provide the accounting profession.
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