More control with Ramp's 1Password integration

Spin up unlimited virtual cards and save them all in 1Password in one click.
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More control with Ramp's 1Password integration
Safety & privacy built in
Store your Ramp payment cards' details safely with 1Password. For privacy, your payment card data is never stored on 1Password servers.
Manage all your vendors securely
Track and control spend automatically – spin up virtual cards for each vendor for ultimate control. Ramp does all the work.
The right card, at your fingertips
1Password automatically surfaces cards when making online purchases. Your corporate card will always be one click away.
1Password is always on a mission to simplify online security. Partnering with Ramp to make it easier to use and secure payment details is a fantastic example of this, creating an effortless experience for businesses. Security can be simple with the right tools and the right mindset.
CEO at 1Password


What is 1password?
1Password combines industry-leading security with award-winning design to bring private, secure, and user-friendly password management to everyone. Founded by two friends in 2005, 1Password is now powered by a global team of greater than 500 people.
How can I reset my password?
For most log ins, we will utilize the SSO of your company (e.g. Google single sign on). You should use the username and log in associated with that account for your company when utilizing single sign on into Ramp. However, if you use a username + password combo, you can reset your password by clicking the "Trouble Signing in?" button on This will send you an email to reset your password.
What security measures does Ramp take?
At Ramp, we take security and protection of your data very seriously. We achieve this goal through a multitude of approaches: Multi Factor Authentication Ramp leverages automated systems to proactively prevent account takeover attempts and other malicious requests. We require all accounts to opt into multi factor authentication and immediately verify suspicious activity with the business owner. SAML SSO Account Protection We also support SSO through your identity provider (i.e. Google or Okta idp) leveraging SAML technology. Encryption All data is transmitted with encryption-in-transit using HTTPS or similar protocols. Furthermore, all data is securely stored with encryption-at-rest using AES-256 or higher standards. Where possible within databases, we also leverage in-field encryption to protect particularly sensitive data. Tokenization Ramp uses tokenization to protect your card and CVV numbers. Least Privileges and Audit Logging As standard best practice, we adhere to the notion of least privileges, whereby only a small subset of personnel have the means to view your data, and only when needed to support you. Naturally, all data access is logged and monitored for audit purposes too. Penetration Testing Ramp continuously undergoes automated penetration testing to check for any vulnerabilities in our infrastructure. The tests are augmented by manual "business logic assessment" reviews on a periodic cadence. External Auditing On an annual basis, Ramp is audited by a large external firm to ensure we continue to meet and exceed the requirements of SOC 2, a compliance standard. We ensure that all of our partners have current SOC 2 reports too. WAF and DDoS Protection Ramp uses an industry leading firewall provider to protect against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and attempted intrusions into our systems. We also block certain countries and enforce rate limiting to prevent against brute-force attacks. Trusted Third Parties When we need to leverage third-parties to help provide service to you (i.e. with bank account linking, leveraging Finicity and Teller), we verify that they have adopted equally stringent security protocols. Our legal officer ensures we have a comprehensive contract in place and our security team further approves any engagement.
How do I log into Ramp?
Ramp has three main ways that you can authenticate: 1. Log into using your Google SSO company set up 2. Log into using your companies Okta authentication (you cannot currently log in directly from Okta, but will log in through utilizing Okta authentication) 3. Log in using your username and password that you created when signing up (or click "Forgot Password" if you don't remember!)

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