Sync your transactions to Xero with one click

Automate busywork and close your books faster with Ramp's robust, no-code Xero integration - included with your Ramp Account

Sync data in real time

Create and update vendor data, bill payment details, and tracking categories directly in Ramp and all of your changes will be in Xero next time you login. Sync transaction data to Xero with a single click.

Classify transactions your way

Bring all of the tracking categories from Xero into Ramp for simple transaction coding

Audit every transaction

Access the history of every transaction within Ramp - from the swipe until it's ready to sync. Jump right into the specific transaction or reimbursement from Ramp with just a click.

Automate routine workflows

Build Rules in Ramp to automate coding, approvals, and reviews of transactions. Collect receipts via SMS, email, web app, AND directly from integrated apps like Gmail, Lyft, Amazon Business

Time is money. Save both.