Automate receipts with Ramp and Uber for Business

Let Ramp collect and submit receipts for you
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Automate receipts with Ramp and Uber for Business
Easily charge rides to your Ramp card on business trips.
Simply toggle between your business and personal profiles on your Uber app when you take a ride. This will ensure your payment goes on the right card.
Automate expense reports with Uber and Uber Eats
When you request a ride with Uber or place an order with Uber Eats, Ramp will auto-generate a receipt and memo, and match them to the corresponding transaction.
Get more visibility into employee spend
Integrate with Uber for Business to get more visibility into employee travel and meal spend
“So Ramp is basically magic. I'm famous for procrastinating on my expense reports. I hate them. I wait until my wife yells at me telling me the amounts owed by the company have added up to enough to hurt us personally. This... this is magic.”
CEO at OneScreenAI


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