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See insights on how 25k+ customers spent on Ramp in 2024
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Spending made smarter
Easy-to-use cards, spend limits, approval flows, vendor payments —plus an average savings of 5%.1
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Today, finance teams must both drive growth while keeping costs down amidst uncertain market conditions. As a result, more and more companies are seeking innovative finance tools to help them grow responsibly.

At Ramp, we’re dedicated to helping companies save time and money. And, with the help of our spend controls, automation capabilities, and intelligence layer, our customers have saved over $600M and 8.5M hours of work to date, plus:

  • Across all customer segments, there were 22% more new business sign-ups in the last three months than the three months prior, with enterprise leading the pack (118%), followed by mid-market (58%), SMBs (38%), and micro-SMBs (8%).
  • Ramp customers are becoming increasingly global: To-date, Ramp cards are used across 74 countries and the number of Ramp users with international operations has grown 100% in the last six months.
  • Momentum will only increase as more growing businesses, including Virgin Voyages, Mindbody- Classpass, Poshmark, Barry’s, and Simple Mills, choose Ramp as their preferred platform.

Helping finance teams reach their full potential

As finance leaders look to improve efficiency and the financial health of their organizations, they’re facing a hodgepodge of finance point solutions. This fragmentation increases friction and complexity for their teams, limiting visibility, control, and ultimately productivity. Ramp addresses this head on with its all-in-one platform, providing the ability to consolidate your corporate card, expense management, and accounts payable into one place that allows you to:

Prevent your company from overspending: Get full visibility and control of all spend in one place. End out-of-policy spending with custom policies that proactively block and flag non-compliant expenses. Make every dollar go further with Price Intelligence that uses spend information from thousands of Ramp customers to help you get the best deal on software.

Save time and focus on what matters: Eliminate manual finance work and increase operational efficiency with automatic receipt capture, AI-powered accounting coding, and more. Control spend from the beginning with configurable approval workflows and transaction alerts for the exceptions that matter.

Work with all your tools, so you don’t have to
: Ensure accurate and secure information across all of your systems by using Ramp’s integrations and APIs to sync data in real time. Securely onboard employees to Ramp in seconds and update access as people come and go. Speed up monthly close with accounting integrations that auto-code and sync all of your transaction data to your ERP.

Scale with ease:
Ramp is customizable to meet your local and global requirements so you can operate around the world. Send payments to 195 countries from your local bank account and reimburse employees in their local currency within two days. See spend across all of your domestic and international entities and feel confident from the start that our support team is always ready to help you throughout your journey.

Today, thousands of companies use the core Ramp platform to close their books up to 8x faster and save smarter. Our platform has delivered powerful functionality that ranges from being able to secure the best price on software to letting Ramp do your expenses for you. We have and will continue to invest in building solutions with cutting-edge tools like we have done since day one of Ramp. And we’re just getting started.

Ramp: a new way forward for finance

Ramp started four years ago offering a better card to save companies time and money. But the card was just the start to creating a better way forward for finance. Today, we're dedicated to building finance software that steers companies towards greater financial health. Give your team everything they need to meet their full potential. Sign up for Ramp today.

Try Ramp for free
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Chief Business Officer, Ramp
Colin Kennedy is Ramp's Chief Business Officer. He formerly managed partnerships globally for Stripe and brings 15 years of senior leadership, business development, and product experience at three successful FinTechs and Fortune 100 firms.
Ramp is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes make informed decisions. We adhere to strict editorial guidelines to ensure that our content meets and maintains our high standards.


How Ramp helped Zola do more with less

“We’re trying to get into a good rhythm of closing the books within 10-12 days, and Ramp has been a huge, huge lifesaver and time saver for us.”
Joe Horn, VP Controller, Zola

How Gill’s Onions increased compliance, drove efficiency, and reduced tears with Ramp

How Dragonfly Pond Works leveled up expense management with Ramp

“Creating efficiency is an important part of an effective finance team. To scale you can’t only increase the size of the team. You have to complement with technology.”
Austin Mcilwain, CFO, Dragonfly Pond Works

How Girl Scouts of the Green & White Mountains saved 20+ hours per month with Ramp

"With the time we've saved with Ramp, we can do more of the analysis work and speed up essential processes like month-end close."
Stuart Rothberg, Finance Director, Girl Scouts, Green & White Mountains

How 8VC resolved accounting coding challenges, increased spend visibility, and cut time to close with Ramp

“With Ramp, we have complete control and governance over company-wide spend in real time...we can easily close expenses by the first week of the month versus the third or fourth week of the following month.”
Nichole Horton, Controller, 8VC

How Studs consolidated expense management, travel, and bill pay into Ramp’s single efficient platform

“Ramp Travel gives me the ability to set the controls I need, and employees the freedom and flexibility to book travel easily."
Andrew Clarke, VP Finance, Studs

How Mindbody & Classpass saved time, enhanced visibility, and improved usability with Ramp

“We were going to hold office hours, but it was so quiet that we never needed to. All the feedback was positive -- it was very easy to roll out.”
Heather Bruzus, Principal Accountant, Mindbody & Classpass