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The wild challenges that have pummeled businesses over the last few years—from a pandemic to recent banking turmoil—have made one thing clear: business leaders need to find more resilient and responsible ways to grow.  

As Ramp turns four, we see companies of all sizes gravitating toward the efficiency model that we’ve pioneered as finance leaders reorient their business models to balance growth with costs. We’re thrilled to see that this new way of doing finance is helping Ramp customers defy market expectations and outperform the wider economy. Here’s how they've been finding success with Ramp. 

Customers on Ramp are achieving growth despite poor market conditions

From beloved consumer brands like Barry’s Bootcamp and Caraway to flagship tech companies like Taskrabbit, Quora, and Attentive, over 15,000 businesses now use Ramp as part of their critical business infrastructure. 

Our customers are green shoots in the turbulent economy. They are growing even with the ups and downs of the market. We’re excited to support companies like Barry’s as they strategically expand studio locations domestically and internationally. Likewise, Caraway, the viral home cookware brand, is expanding their omnichannel fulfillment strategy while keeping costs under control via Ramp.

Ramp businesses are thriving thanks to real-time insights that allow them to optimize their spend and make more informed business decisions in a tough environment. In fact, our customer data shows that companies that joined Ramp early last year—at the height of recession fears—have increased their average headcount by 51% and average spend by 31% since onboarding. 

We’ve helped customers save over $400M dollars to date

Our customers are able to focus on growth because Ramp connects their financial operations to automation that consistently delivers time and money savings. 

In the past six months, we’ve saved employees over 60 working years that would have otherwise been spent submitting receipts and filing expense reports. Every month, our accounting automations help bookkeepers categorize expenses 3x faster and eliminate over 100 days’ worth of work. 

We hear from our customers that three aspects of Ramp have proven especially valuable: 

1. An all-in-one, consolidated finance platform

Assembled’s Finance Lead, Vincent Tzeng, had only been in his role six months when he onboarded Ramp to help consolidate systems and streamline the work of the finance team so they could focus their attention on more strategic work.

In this market environment, Ramp helps finance teams stay focused on meaningful, strategic projects that actually move the needle. Our automation eliminates tedious, time-consuming work, such as manually uploading receipts or invoices.

2. A powerful, frictionless experience for employees

Ramp’s platform doesn’t just eliminate the pain of expense reports—it also reshapes cross-functional relationships for maximum organizational efficiency. Webflow’s Assistant Controller Sheila Ellis loves how Ramp has not only helped her team achieve a 75% reduction in credit card reconciliation time, but has also made doing finance a seamless process. 

These relationships aren’t just limited to working hours. Webflow’s VP of Finance Ivan Makarov shared his recent experience:  

“A team member couldn’t pay for anything, including his hotel or meals. We were able to issue him a new card on the mobile app immediately, providing him with peace of mind during a stressful situation. It was an incredible experience and felt like the true meaning of doing my job and finance right.”  

At Ramp, we are setting the pace of innovation for tools, workflows, and automation that help make the lives of employees easier and finance teams invaluable to their business.

3. Greater business intelligence to inform critical decisions 

Groove’s CEO Daniel DeFranco wanted to take his business to the next level via real-time insights. But his finance team was bogged down by his previous provider’s lack of intelligent data. Ramp equipped his team with more precise financial data to drive strategic business decisions. 

In the coming months, we’ll surface even more benchmarks and insights within Ramp to help you make smarter, more confident decisions. 

Ramp is here to help you succeed   

The success that our customers are seeing with Ramp are particularly meaningful as the economic climate continues to shift. At Ramp, we are committed to prioritizing customer value over everything else. We’re here to build intelligent, yet flexible software that helps businesses solve complex needs and withstand the vagaries of the market. The card is just the start—sign up for Ramp today and let us help you advance your business to the next level.

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Former Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Ramp
Prior to Ramp, Stefanie worked as a finance reporter at Institutional Investor, where she covered everything from options to pension funds. She graduated from the University of Delaware with a degree in English and a concentration in journalism and later earned an MA in education from NYU. When she isn't immersed in content and thought leadership, Stefanie loves to play any and all racquet sports.
Ramp is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes make informed decisions. We adhere to strict editorial guidelines to ensure that our content meets and maintains our high standards.


How Ramp helped Zola do more with less

“We’re trying to get into a good rhythm of closing the books within 10-12 days, and Ramp has been a huge, huge lifesaver and time saver for us.”
Joe Horn, VP Controller, Zola

How Gill’s Onions increased compliance, drove efficiency, and reduced tears with Ramp

How Dragonfly Pond Works leveled up expense management with Ramp

“Creating efficiency is an important part of an effective finance team. To scale you can’t only increase the size of the team. You have to complement with technology.”
Austin Mcilwain, CFO, Dragonfly Pond Works

How Girl Scouts of the Green & White Mountains saved 20+ hours per month with Ramp

"With the time we've saved with Ramp, we can do more of the analysis work and speed up essential processes like month-end close."
Stuart Rothberg, Finance Director, Girl Scouts, Green & White Mountains

How 8VC resolved accounting coding challenges, increased spend visibility, and cut time to close with Ramp

“With Ramp, we have complete control and governance over company-wide spend in real time...we can easily close expenses by the first week of the month versus the third or fourth week of the following month.”
Nichole Horton, Controller, 8VC

How Studs consolidated expense management, travel, and bill pay into Ramp’s single efficient platform

“Ramp Travel gives me the ability to set the controls I need, and employees the freedom and flexibility to book travel easily."
Andrew Clarke, VP Finance, Studs

How Mindbody & Classpass saved time, enhanced visibility, and improved usability with Ramp

“We were going to hold office hours, but it was so quiet that we never needed to. All the feedback was positive -- it was very easy to roll out.”
Heather Bruzus, Principal Accountant, Mindbody & Classpass