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What is operational efficiency?

Operational efficiency is the process of maximizing outputs while minimizing inputs like time, resources, and effort. When a business operates efficiently, it delivers better results without overburdening its resources.

There is a common misconception that operational efficiency is just about cutting costs. But here are the main goals every business should aim for when enhancing operational efficiency:

  • Minimize the waste of time, materials, and energy.

  • Consistent quality and faster delivery times, improving the customer experience.

  • Create a system that allows for easy scaling as demand increases.

Key indicators of operational efficiency

Tracking key operational efficiency indicators reflects how well a business uses resources to achieve desired outcomes. These are mentioned below:

Cost per unit

This is the total cost incurred to produce one unit of product or service. Reducing the cost per unit means the business operates more efficiently by lowering production costs without sacrificing quality. Tracking this helps identify cost-saving opportunities in production, procurement, or labor.

It is calculated using the following formula:

Cost per unit = Total production costs / Total units produced

Cycle time

This measures the time taken to complete a task or produce a product from start to finish. Shorter cycle times indicate that processes are more streamlined, leading to faster project delivery. A longer cycle time suggests inefficiencies that can lead to delays and higher operational costs.

It is calculated using the following formula:

Cycle Time = Total production time / No.of units produced

Efficiency ratio (Operational efficiency ratio)

The efficiency ratio compares a business’s operating expenses to its revenue. It is typically used in financial management to measure how well a business controls costs. A lower efficiency ratio indicates higher efficiency, meaning the business generates more revenue relative to its operating costs.

For example, an efficiency ratio of 50% means the business spends 50 cents to generate every dollar of revenue.

It is calculated using the following formula:

Operational efficiency ratio = [(OPEX + COGS) / Net revenue] × 100%

Asset utilization

Asset utilization measures how well a business uses its assets to generate revenue. A higher ratio indicates that machinery, equipment, and human resources are used efficiently to generate revenue. This is crucial for businesses with significant investments in physical or intellectual assets.

It is calculated using the following formula:

Asset utilization ratio = Total revenue / Total assets


Throughput refers to the number of units produced or services delivered in a given time period. It measures how quickly a business can produce goods or complete tasks. Improving throughput without increasing costs is a clear sign of operational efficiency. Businesses often use throughput as a metric to identify barriers in production processes.

It is calculated using the following formula:

T = I / F

Inventory (I) refers to the total number of units that are currently in the production process. 

Flow time (F) represents the total time that inventory units spend in the production process from start to finish.

Labor productivity

Labor productivity measures the output generated per hour of labor. This metric helps businesses understand how efficiently their workforce is being used. Increasing labor productivity indicates that employees are generating more output in the same amount of time.

It is calculated using the following formula:

Labor productivity = Total output / Labor hours

Employee productivity

Employee productivity gauges how much output each employee contributes in a given time frame. High productivity levels indicate efficient operations where employees can achieve more in less time due to optimized processes and tools. Monitoring this helps businesses allocate labor resources more effectively.

Resource utilization

Resource utilization measures how effectively a business uses its assets, including machinery, materials, or technology. This metric addresses both underutilization and overutilization:


When resources like equipment or labor are not used to their full capacity, it indicates inefficiency. This can lead to wasted potential, higher costs, and delayed production. For example, idle machinery or underused software tools signal poor planning or over-investment in resources.


On the flip side, overutilization occurs when resources are overworked or stretched beyond their capacity. This can lead to burnout, equipment breakdowns, or poor-quality outputs. Overutilization is just as detrimental as underutilization because it compromises long-term productivity and increases maintenance costs.

Customer satisfaction

Though it focuses on external outcomes, customer satisfaction reflects internal operational efficiency. Smooth processes and timely deliveries result in higher satisfaction levels, while operational delays or poor quality negatively affect customer perceptions.

Defect rates

This measures the number of defects or errors produced in the process. Lower defect rates reflect a higher level of operational efficiency, as fewer resources are wasted on rework or replacements. A high defect rate often suggests issues with quality control or inconsistent processes that need attention.

Benefits of operational efficiency

Operational efficiency provides competitive advantages that allow a business to stand out in the market. Let’s explore the key benefits of operational efficiency.

Reducing costs

Operational efficiency helps businesses reduce unnecessary expenses by optimizing time, labor, and materials. For example, in professional services, where people are the highest cost, improving workload distribution allows teams to deliver more within the same work hours. 

Increased revenue and profitability

Reducing waste in operations allows businesses to maintain output at a lower cost, boosting profitability. For instance, saving 100 hours on one project can free up resources for another, leading to greater returns without additional expenses​.

Accelerating market entry

Reduced lead times enable more time to market the products, providing a competitive edge and allowing businesses to capitalize on new opportunities and respond to market demands promptly.

Happier workforce

Efficient operations reduce employees' frustration. With fewer delays, clear workflows, and less manual work, employees experience better work-life balance and increased job satisfaction. According to research by Zapier, 79% of employees believe they could work more efficiently with streamlined tasks, and 81% are more likely to stay in their role if they can focus on work they enjoy​.

Customer retention

An efficient operation leads to consistent quality and faster delivery times, improving the customer experience. Businesses prioritizing customer experience can see a 4-8% revenue increase compared to their industry peers.

Proactive decision-making

With more efficient operations, managers have better access to real-time data, which improves transparency and decision-making. Instead of repeatedly responding to issues, efficient businesses can proactively anticipate problems before they arise and make strategic decisions that enhance performance across all business areas. 

Difference between operational efficiency and operational productivity

Operational efficiency and operational productivity are often confused with each other, but they focus on different aspects of business performance. Efficiency is about optimizing resources, while productivity is about increasing output. Let’s learn more about them:


Consider two businesses: 

  • Firm A is highly productive, completes a large number of projects quickly but requires more money in terms of labor and resources. 

  • Firm B is highly efficient, completes fewer projects but at a lower cost and with minimal waste. 

An efficient business will be the one who ends up being more profitable, even if it produces less. Hence, Firm B is more efficient in this case.

How to identify bottlenecks in operations?

Operational inefficiency occurs when one part of a process slows down the overall production or delivery, leading to delays, reduced output, and increased costs. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to effectively identify issues:

Track process flow and cycle time

Start by mapping out your entire workflow, from start to finish, to understand the sequence of operations. Use process mapping tools to visualize each step and identify which steps take the longest to complete (cycle time) compared to others.

Ramp can help streamline financial workflows like approval chains and spend management, reducing delays in financial processes and ensuring faster cycle times.

Analyze throughput

Throughput is the rate at which units pass through a process. If throughput is slower in one section than the rest, it signals that this stage may be holding up the entire process. For instance, if a production line creates 100 units per hour, but only 70 units pass through quality control simultaneously, the problem is likely in the quality control stage.

Monitor inventory buildup

If you notice excessive work-in-progress (WIP) inventory piling up before a particular step, it’s a clear indication that the process is slowing down at that point. By tracking inventory levels, you can spot where work is being delayed.

Ramp helps in automating procurement and expense approvals, which reduces inventory build-up caused by delayed financial transactions. It ensures that goods or services are procured in a timely manner, reducing delays in the supply chain​.

Use data analytics and software

You can rely on analytics software to monitor operations in real time. These tools can automatically flag inefficiencies and underperformance in specific stages of the workflow. Data from Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems or project management tools provide insights into performance metrics, allowing you to pinpoint inefficiencies.

Unlock real-time insights with Ramp’s powerful analytics to address inefficiencies and prevent costly delays in your operations.

Employee feedback

Employees directly involved in daily operations are often the best sources for identifying process delays, equipment malfunctions, or workflow inefficiencies. Regularly gathering their feedback helps uncover issues that may not be immediately visible through data analysis alone.

Compare to industry benchmarks

Evaluate your business performance by comparing it to industry standards or competitors. If your production time, cost per unit, or throughput falls significantly below average, it indicates there may be inefficiencies impacting your processes.

Industry benchmarks are valuable for determining whether specific workflows are underperforming compared to broader market expectations.

By consistently tracking these factors and leveraging both quantitative data and employee insights, you can effectively identify and address inefficiencies in your operations.

Resolving these issues leads to smoother workflows, increased throughput, and enhanced operational efficiency.

Strategies to improve operational efficiency

Below are detailed, actionable steps you can implement to drive improvements in your operations:

1. Understand your current state

Conduct a diagnostic review

Evaluate workflows, resource allocation, and overall performance. Use tools like SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to identify both internal and external factors affecting efficiency.

Gather baseline data

Collect quantitative and qualitative data on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as cycle time, cost per unit, and throughput. This will provide a benchmark against which future improvements can be measured.

Identify process bottlenecks

Look for delays, redundancies, or areas where resources are under or over-utilized. Employee feedback can be instrumental in this step, as frontline workers often have valuable insights into the day-to-day challenges.

2. Setting realistic objectives

Establish clear, achievable objectives that align with your business goals. Implement the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to ensure that your goals are well-defined and trackable.

3. Develop an action plan

Create a detailed action plan outlining the necessary steps to achieve your objectives. Include timelines, responsible team members, and the resources needed for implementation. This plan serves as a roadmap for your efficiency improvement efforts, ensuring that everyone is aligned and aware of their responsibilities.

4. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs)

Identify metrics that align with your operational goals. Continuously track these KPIs to evaluate performance and identify trends that require attention. Common KPIs include cycle time, cost per unit, and throughput.

5. Set up automation

Automating workflows reduces manual errors and frees up employee time for higher-value activities. Platforms like Ramp for financial automation and spend management to enhance efficiency. Automation can significantly reduce the time spent on administrative tasks, leading to faster and more reliable operations.

6. Effective human resource management

  • Align employees with roles that match their skills and strengths to improve productivity and job satisfaction.

  • Provide ongoing training and development opportunities to update employees on industry trends and enhance their effectiveness.

  • Use time-tracking tools to monitor how employees spend their time, including billable and non-billable tasks. Analyze this data to identify inefficiencies and manage workloads more effectively, which is critical for pricing and budgeting.

  • Encourage open communication and collaboration among employees to share ideas for process improvements.

  • Regularly solicit input from employees about the processes they work with through surveys, suggestion boxes, or team meetings.

  • Act on feedback to improve processes and demonstrate that employee input is valued, fostering engagement and commitment.

8. Increase energy efficiency

Look for opportunities to reduce energy consumption and improve sustainability in your operations. Conduct an energy audit to determine how electricity and water are used. Implementing energy-saving initiatives can lead to cost savings and environmental benefits.

9. Establish strategic partnerships

Collaborate with suppliers, service providers, or other businesses to improve efficiencies across the supply chain. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Define clear objectives for the partnership that align with the interests of both parties.

  • Develop a formal agreement outlining roles, responsibilities, and expectations in writing.

  • Foster open communication through regular updates to build trust and ensure alignment.

  • Collaborate on small joint projects to assess compatibility and effectiveness.

  • Adapt and evolve the partnership as market conditions or business needs change.

Factors that impact operational efficiency

Several factors can influence a business's operational efficiency. Understanding these elements is crucial for effectively managing and improving processes. Here are the key factors to consider:

  • Internal dynamics, such as clear structure and motivated employees, drive better communication, decision-making, and productivity.

  • Effective tools and technology enhance workflows, while outdated systems can hinder process execution.

  • External market dynamics, including supply chain efficiency and shifting market conditions, significantly influence operational performance.

  • Compliance requirements can add complexity to workflows, necessitating specific processes that may impact efficiency.

Operational efficiency is a continuous effort for improvement. By regularly assessing performance and making adjustments, businesses can maintain a competitive edge in the market while fostering growth and innovation. Ramp can help you optimize your business operations by streamlining workflows, reducing delays, and enabling smarter financial decisions. Ready to enhance your operational efficiency? Connect with us today!

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Group Manager of Product Marketing, Ramp
Chris Sumida is the Group Manager of Product Marketing at Ramp, located in Ladera Ranch, California. With almost a decade in product marketing, Chris has a knack for leading successful teams and strategies. At Ramp, he’s been a driving force behind the launch of Ramp Procurement, which makes procurement easier and more efficient for businesses. Before joining Ramp, Chris worked at Xero and LeaseLabs®️, creating and implementing marketing plans. He kicked off his career at Chef’s Roll, Inc. Chris also mentors up-and-coming talent through the Aztec Mentor Program. He graduated from San Diego State University with a BA in Political Science.
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