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Spending made smarter
Easy-to-use cards, spend limits, approval flows, vendor payments —plus an average savings of 5%.1
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Over the past 30 years, we’ve seen tech innovations transform key business functions, from marketing to sales and support. Yet finance remains in the dinosaur age, riddled with expense reports and manual closing of the books.

At Ramp, we’re building the future of finance, not by digitizing accounting gruntwork but helping finance leaders re-engineer their operations from the ground up and finally take control of business spending in real time, through corporate cards anchored by best-in-class software.

We’re proud that this paradigm shift that we’ve been leading since day one has catapulted us onto CNBC’s Disruptor 50 list this year. The annual ranking honors the top fifty private companies whose innovations are revolutionizing their industries and changing the way people live and work.

Our counterintuitive model: helping businesses save more

The award is a testament to our mission since day one to help businesses spend less, not more.

Legacy financial institutions over-index on chatbots and cushy rewards as the future of finance. We believe the best version of finance is actually one where finance teams are empowered by the right tools to make confident decisions that result in healthier and more profitable businesses. 

Imagine a smarter finance function where: 

  • Every outgoing dollar is tracked in real time through a single platform that’s connected to all of your payments. 
  • Built-in expense reporting saves time for employees and allows your accounting team to close the books 8x faster and with fewer errors.
  • Intelligence helps your finance team avoid overspending or duplicate payments through automation that constantly analyzes employee spending in the background.

With Ramp, this version of finance is available. Every time your employees swipe their corporate cards or submit invoices for payment, your finance team understands where and how the money is being used. Accounting reconciliation happens automatically, freeing up more time for deeper finance work. Through a consolidated view of all financials, everyone is able to tackle bigger picture questions that drive the business forward.

The result? Over $400M dollars saved for over 15,000 businesses

Ramp is helping complex businesses more efficiently manage more than $1 billion per month in spend—from beloved consumer brands like Barry’s Bootcamp, Caraway, and 818 to tech companies like TaskRabbit, Quora, and Attentive. 

To date, Ramp has saved businesses millions through a combination of cashback and savings insights. 

We’ve saved teams millions of hours of painstaking accounting work as well, thanks to technology that automatically collects receipts from employees and maps transactions to their proper categories. In the last six months alone, we’ve saved employees over 60 working years that would have been spent on submitting receipts and filing expense reports. 

This new way of doing finance is helping Ramp customers grow in a challenging economy. Companies that joined Ramp early last year—at the height of recession fears—have increased their average headcount by 51% since onboarding.  

Get the best version of finance today

As interest rates rise and the cost of capital gets more expensive, the top priority for any business—from startup founders to enterprise CFOs— is to get more out of every dollar. Helping our customers save more is our North Star. Let us help you: get started with Ramp.

Try Ramp for free
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Content Lead, Ramp
Fiona writes about B2B growth strategies and digital marketing. Prior to Ramp, she led content teams at Google and Intercom. Fiona graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in English. Outside of work, she spends time dreaming about hiking the Pacific Crest Trail one day.
Ramp is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes make informed decisions. We adhere to strict editorial guidelines to ensure that our content meets and maintains our high standards.


How Ramp helped Zola do more with less

“We’re trying to get into a good rhythm of closing the books within 10-12 days, and Ramp has been a huge, huge lifesaver and time saver for us.”
Joe Horn, VP Controller, Zola

How Gill’s Onions increased compliance, drove efficiency, and reduced tears with Ramp

How Dragonfly Pond Works leveled up expense management with Ramp

“Creating efficiency is an important part of an effective finance team. To scale you can’t only increase the size of the team. You have to complement with technology.”
Austin Mcilwain, CFO, Dragonfly Pond Works

How Girl Scouts of the Green & White Mountains saved 20+ hours per month with Ramp

"With the time we've saved with Ramp, we can do more of the analysis work and speed up essential processes like month-end close."
Stuart Rothberg, Finance Director, Girl Scouts, Green & White Mountains

How 8VC resolved accounting coding challenges, increased spend visibility, and cut time to close with Ramp

“With Ramp, we have complete control and governance over company-wide spend in real time...we can easily close expenses by the first week of the month versus the third or fourth week of the following month.”
Nichole Horton, Controller, 8VC

How Studs consolidated expense management, travel, and bill pay into Ramp’s single efficient platform

“Ramp Travel gives me the ability to set the controls I need, and employees the freedom and flexibility to book travel easily."
Andrew Clarke, VP Finance, Studs

How Mindbody & Classpass saved time, enhanced visibility, and improved usability with Ramp

“We were going to hold office hours, but it was so quiet that we never needed to. All the feedback was positive -- it was very easy to roll out.”
Heather Bruzus, Principal Accountant, Mindbody & Classpass