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A 0% APR business credit card gives you the opportunity to make purchases and pay no interest for a period of 9, 12, or even 15 months after account opening. This means you don't need to pay the balance in full every month to avoid interest during this time.

At Ramp, we know a thing or two about business credit cards. In this guide, we'll cover the top 0% APR credit card issuers for business owners, along with how to choose the right one for you. Plus, we'll offer some tips for increasing your chances of qualifying for these card offers.

5 best low and 0% APR business credit cards in 2024

Discover Ramp's corporate card for modern finance

How does APR work on a business credit card?

Business credit cards typically have annual interest rate you'll pay if you carry a balance on your card. You usually can't get 0% interest on a business credit card long-term, though many come with an introductory 0% APR period.

In addition to the annual rate, there are a few other forms of APR that you should be aware of:‍

  • Monthly APR: This is calculated by dividing your APR by 12 and then multiplying that number by your credit card balance.
  • Daily Periodic Rate (DPR): Instead of dividing your interest per month or year, DPR spreads it out over the course of the month.
  • Variable APR: Most APR rates are fixed, but some credit cards offer variable APRs that fluctuate based on what’s happening in an index fund or other financial markets.

What credit score do you need to qualify for a 0% APR credit card?
To qualify for a 0% APR credit card, business owners typically need a personal credit score of at least 700. This indicates to lenders that your business is low-risk and capable of managing credit responsibly.

How does APR work on a business credit card?

Small business credit cards typically have annual interest rate you'll pay if you carry a balance on your card. Cardholders usually can't get 0% interest on a business credit card long-term, though many come with an introductory 0% APR period.

In addition to the annual rate, there are a few other forms of APR that you should be aware of:‍

  • Monthly APR: This is calculated by dividing your APR by 12 and then multiplying that number by your credit card balance.
  • Daily Periodic Rate (DPR): Instead of dividing your interest per month or calendar year, DPR spreads it out over the course of the month.
  • Variable APR: Most APR rates are fixed, but some credit cards offer variable APRs that fluctuate based on what’s happening in an index fund or other financial markets.

Which business credit cards have no interest for 24 months?
No business credit cards currently offer a 24-month no-interest period. The longest available 0% APR periods are typically up to 20 months, such as the U.S. Bank Business Platinum Card, which offers 0% APR for 20 billing cycles. For extended interest-free periods, consider a corporate card—these typically require full monthly balance payments and have no interest.

Balance transfers on business credit cards

You might consider doing a balance transfer if most of your debt from one card can be paid off on the other before its intro APR period ends, or if one card has a lower interest rate.

Some business credit cards allow balance transfers during their introductory APR period. You'll need to read through their terms to check if balance transfers are allowed.

Here are some pros and cons of balance transfers:


  • Lower interest rates. If you’re currently paying 22% in APR, performing a balance transfer to a card that charges even a tiny percentage less in fees can help cut costs substantially.
  • Added convenience. If you have multiple credit cards with different providers, consolidating them into just one or two cards can help you more easily track payments and save on fees.
  • Lower credit utilization. Increasing your amount of available credit through a balance transfer can help build your credit score.


  • Balance transfer fees. While some credit card companies offer free balance transfers, others can charge between 3–5%.
  • Reduced average account age. A long credit history will reflect positively on your credit score. Reducing it through a balance transfer could have a negative impact.
  • Hard inquiry on your credit report. Applying for any new credit card will result in a hard inquiry on your credit report. Hard inquiries can temporarily reduce your score, so consider limiting yourself to one new card for a balance transfer.

What to consider when selecting a 0% APR business credit card

To pick the best 0% APR card for your company, consider these factors:

  1. Rewards: The card you choose should offer rewards on purchases you actually make, whether that's in categories like travel, office supplies, or software. Or, consider a card with universal cashback on purchases.
  2. The 0% APR period length: Figure out how long you'll need 0% APR if you plan to initiate a balance transfer.
  3. Balance transfer option: Does the card apply the 0% introductory APR to balance transfers? If not, how much is the balance transfer fee?
  4. Additional fees: Look at the card's fixed and annual costs. Some cards have annual fees, but these may come with impressive rewards programs. Most cards have late fees and spending limits, so examine these to avoid overpaying.
  5. Variable APR: Cards with a 0% APR period will eventually transition to a standard APR, so try to choose one with a lower interest range.

Tips for maximizing your chances of qualifying for a 0% APR business credit card

Smaller businesses with a shorter credit history can have a hard time applying for certain business credit cards. Here are some steps you can take to maximize your chances of qualifying:

  • Check and maintain your credit score. When applying for a business credit card, your personal credit score is also looked at, especially for newer businesses. Make sure you're not maxing out any cards you already have to maintain your credit score.
  • Limit your credit card applications to avoid impacting your credit score. Remember that no matter the amount of APR on the card, applying for new credit cards will result in a hard inquiry of your credit. Multiple inquires could result in a short-term negative impact on your business credit score.
  • Look for cards that approve based on sales. If you run an ecommerce business, you may qualify for a Ramp card based on your sales history, even if you don't qualify for other cards.‍

Get 0% APR with Ramp’s business card

0% APR business credit cards can lead to overspending and debt if not used responsibly.

Ramp's corporate cards have 0% APR and offer businesses an average savings of 5%. Our cards are also connected to expense management software to help you cut costs and automate your expense reporting.

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Finance Writer and Editor, Ramp
Ali Mercieca is a Finance Writer and Content Editor at Ramp. Prior to Ramp, she worked with Robinhood on the editorial strategy for their financial literacy articles and with Nearside, an online banking platform, overseeing their banking and finance blog. Ali holds a B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy from York University and can be found writing about editorial content strategy and SEO on her Substack.
Ramp is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes make informed decisions. We adhere to strict editorial guidelines to ensure that our content meets and maintains our high standards.


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