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In the 2023 Small Business Credit Survey, which gathered responses from over 6,000 small businesses, more than nine out of ten small business owners reported experiencing financial or operational challenges in 2023. Rising costs were a significant concern, with many businesses struggling to manage expenses.

The good news is that for the first time since 2020, the number of small businesses operating at a profit increased, according to the same survey. Specifically, the survey highlighted that the share of profitable firms rose from the previous years, marking a significant turnaround. 

There's hope for small businesses, but you may still consider a credit card with no preset limit as a fast way to offer a little more financial security. Here's what you should know about "no limit credit cards".‍

Do no limit credit cards exist?

A “no limit credit card” doesn’t exist, but the term is used to describe a type of card that has a flexible, rather than preset, spending limit. Unlike with a regular credit card, the limit on these cards fluctuates monthly based on factors like your credit score, income, and payment history. If you make regular purchases and consistent payments, you’ll probably receive higher spending limits. On the other hand, missed credit card payments, reduced income, lower profitability, or a poor credit history could lower your credit limit.

Occasionally, the term “no limit credit card” is also used to refer to cards with very high credit limits. Invitation-only “black cards” are a type of highly exclusive credit card that comes with extremely high credit limits and spending requirements. The most popular card in this category is the American Express Centurion® Card, which comes with an invitation fee of $10,000 and an annual fee of $5,000.

Can a credit limit be 0?
A credit limit is usually a positive amount, but in some instances, it can be set to 0. This typically happens if the account is closed, suspended, or under some restriction to prevent new charges.

What’s the appeal of no limit credit cards?

The concept of unlimited spending power holds a certain mystique, especially for those accustomed to managing their finances within the constraints of a budget. The idea of wielding a no-limit credit card taps into a universal fantasy of affluence and financial freedom. This fascination is fueled by pop culture, which glamorizes the lifestyle of the ultra-wealthy, presenting a world where financial limitations are nonexistent.

Do business credit cards have spending limits?

Yes, business credit cards usually have spending limits based on your business's financial standing and creditworthiness. Some cards offer flexible or higher limits to accommodate business expenses, while others feature a "No Preset Spending Limit" (NPSL), which adjusts based on usage, payment history, and other factors.

How much can I spend on a credit card with no preset limit?

Most credit card providers won’t list their maximum limits before you apply. Instead, your credit limit will be determined after you’ve been approved. Having excellent credit and applying for cards that are known for having high limits increases your likelihood of landing more spending power, but you should choose a card with benefits and rewards that suit your business regardless of its limit.

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Pros and cons of credit cards with no preset spending limits

Pros Cons
Greater flexibility to make large purchases without worrying about rigid spending limits. Must pay off monthly to avoid high interest. Some cards, like the Amex Plum Card, allow cardholders to carry a charge for up to 60 days with no interest fee, so you can pay over time.
Higher spending limits are offered with good payment history. Spending limit is undisclosed and variable, so it may change month-to-month.
A card with no preset spending limit can offer security against rising operational costs. Higher risk of overspending due to lack of fixed limit.
Large purchases mean more substantial perks, whether in the form of cash back, redeemable rewards, or statement credit. Complex fees and potentially higher annual charges than regular cards.

Can you build business credit with no preset limit credit cards?

Like with other credit cards, making regular, timely payments on your high-limit credit card can build your credit score. Most credit cards report to the major business credit bureaus, thus helping to build your credit history.

One of the main factors in determining your credit score is your credit utilization ratio, which refers to the percentage of available credit that you have spent. Keeping your utilization below 30% is generally considered ideal.

Can I use 100% of my credit limit?
Yes, you can use 100% of your credit limit, but it's generally not advisable. Using all of your available credit can negatively impact your credit score and indicate higher credit risk to lenders.‍


Something to keep in mind is that credit cards with no preset limits usually don't disclose their maximum spending limits, so the available credit on those cards won’t be included in your credit utilization ratio. This means that you may not receive the same benefits you otherwise would on your credit report for spending below your available credit.

How to get a credit card with no preset spending limit

Applying for a no preset spending limit credit card is similar to applying for a standard business credit card, which is usually done online. Most banks and lenders aren't too flexible with extending limits beyond $25,000.

Before submitting your application, here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • Intended use: What expenses do you plan to charge on your no-limit credit card, and how often do you expect to use the card?
  • Financial need: How much do you anticipate charging on your business credit card every month?
  • Repayment and responsibility: Can you use your card responsibly and pay off the full card balance every month?‍


To choose the best business credit card for your business, compare the terms of all the available cards. Consider the rewards programs and perks, and fees like interest rates, foreign transaction fees, and balance transfer fees. Be sure you understand what terms apply to each card.

Access credit limits up to 30% higher than traditional credit cards with Ramp

Ramp is a corporate card and spend management platform that offers credit limits up to 30 times higher than our competitors. That's because we use factors like sales data and cash in the bank to determine spending limits, instead of looking at your credit score.

Ramp lets you issue unlimited free employee cards, and you can set spending limits to keep every member within the budget. AI insights help you spend smarter with little effort, and automation makes it faster than ever to close your books without human error.


Ramp cards have no annual fees, foreign transaction fees, or interest, because your card balance must be paid in full each month. There's also no credit check or personal guarantee required—all you need is a registered business and enough cash on hand to qualify.

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Finance Writer and Editor, Ramp
Ali Mercieca is a Finance Writer and Content Editor at Ramp. Prior to Ramp, she worked with Robinhood on the editorial strategy for their financial literacy articles and with Nearside, an online banking platform, overseeing their banking and finance blog. Ali holds a B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy from York University and can be found writing about editorial content strategy and SEO on her Substack.
Ramp is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes make informed decisions. We adhere to strict editorial guidelines to ensure that our content meets and maintains our high standards.


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