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Business credit cards are a great way to separate your business and personal finances as a small business. These credit cards typically come with higher spending limits than personal cards, and the best options offer tools to help you build your business.

In this article, we cover everything you should know about high-limit credit cards and review some of the best high-limit business credit cards on the market today.

Do business credit cards have higher limits?

Business credit card limits are usually higher than personal credit card limits simply because a business spends more than an individual.

When determining the credit limit for a business credit card, card issuers assess a business's creditworthiness based on its revenue, credit history, and financial stability. If your business has a good credit history or is generating a lot of monthly revenue, you may qualify for a higher credit limit.

Some business cards come with preset spending limits you can customize for different vendors and categories. So, cardholders can spend more on eligible purchases within certain spending categories, like office supplies or car rentals, up to the predetermined limit. If your monthly business expenses increase, you may be eligible for a limit increase.

How can I get a $100,000 credit limit?
On our list, the Ramp Corporate Card and the Chase Ink Business Premier Credit Card offer the best opportunity to access a $100,000 credit limit. Ramp determines your spending limit based on factors like your cash on hand and monthly expenses, while Chase uses creditworthiness to calculate your credit limit. It’s unlikely that you’ll get a high credit limit on a traditional credit card without a high business credit score.

How to get approved for a high-limit business credit card

A strong business credit score, substantial revenue, and a low debt-to-income ratio will get you a higher limit on business credit cards. Issuers set each applicant’s credit limit based on their overall creditworthiness, weighing factors like personal credit, business income, and debt:

  1. Business credit history: A track record of on-time payments and responsible credit use is a crucial factor when credit card issuers assess your ability to manage credit. With a brand-new business or bad credit, it’ll be difficult to get approved for higher limits.
  2. Personal credit score: Even for business credit cards, providers usually consider your personal credit score, especially if you provide a personal guarantee. Excellent credit and minimal debt will enhance your business’s creditworthiness.
  3. Business revenue: Consistent and substantial revenue, along with profitability and minimal debt, demonstrates that your business can handle a higher credit limit.

6 best high-limit business credit cards

Each business credit card has its own fee structure, perks, and membership rewards.

We’ve narrowed down our list to the six best business credit cards with high credit limits to help you make an informed choice.

How to build business credit with business credit cards

If you haven’t established any business credit, opening a business credit card can help. Once you’ve done so, the credit card company will begin reporting your activity to business credit bureaus. Over time, making on-time payments and maintaining a low credit utilization ratio will help you qualify for a higher limit.

You can also build your business credit by doing the following:

  1. Offer a personal guarantee: Many lenders may require you to make a personal guarantee, which means if your business can’t pay its bills, you’ll personally pay the business’s credit card debt.
  2. Take advantage of sales-based underwriting: Ramp offers sales-based underwriting, so as long as your company generates meaningful revenue, you’ll likely be approved for an account.
  3. Open a secured credit card: With a secured business credit card, you’ll place a security deposit with the lender that becomes your credit limit. As long as you use your card responsibly, you’ll get your security deposit back in a predetermined time frame.

Getting your credit card is the first step. Next, it’s important to use it responsibly. Follow the tips in the section below to use your new credit card to build your credit score.

How to use high-limit business credit cards responsibly

High-limit business credit cards are effective financial tools to help you build your business, but if misused, they can harm your growth. Follow the four best practices below to ensure your credit card helps your business succeed.

1. Keep spending in check

Having a high credit limit doesn’t mean you should use it. In fact, it’s best practice for both personal and business credit cards to keep your spending below 30% of your credit limit. Going above this threshold may have a negative impact on your credit score. Moreover, keeping your balance low and manageable will make it easier to pay the bill on time.

2. Pay more than the minimum

Minimum payments typically only cover interest and a very small percentage of your balance. When you make minimum payments, you can expect to be in debt for a long time—and pay substantial interest in the process. Instead, try to pay off your credit card in full each month to avoid interest entirely. If you can’t pay it off each month, always make more than your minimum payment to keep debt, and the interest that comes with it, at bay.

3. Understand how payments are applied

If you have more than one business credit card, minimum payments are applied to the lowest-interest balance first. When you make higher-than-minimum payments, the excess is applied to your highest-interest balance first. This is another reason why it’s important to pay more than the minimum whenever possible.

4. Stay in the know

Check your monthly statement regularly to keep tabs on your debt load. Also, read every transaction to catch any potential fraud early. Reading over every transaction also gives you information about your spending habits that can help you better manage your business.

Access higher credit limits with Ramp

Ramp is an expense management platform with integrated corporate cards that offer credit limits up to 30 times higher than our competitors. That’s because we use factors like cash on hand and sales data to determine spending limits rather than looking at your credit score.

Here are a few features you can expect from Ramp:

  • Sales-based underwriting: You don’t have to have a business credit history to get Ramp. Take advantage of sales-based underwriting for easier approvals.
  • High credit limits: Ramp offers credit limits that are up to 30 times higher than traditional business credit cards.
  • Spend management tools: Ramp comes with tools to track business expenses and optimize spending, ultimately helping you grow your business.
  • Unlimited physical and virtual cards: Give your employees spending power with unique rules and limits, alleviating the need for costly and time-consuming expense reimbursement programs.
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Finance Writer, Ramp
Richard Moy has written extensively about procurement and vendor management topics for companies like BetterCloud, Stack Overflow, and Ramp. His writing has also appeared in The Muse, Business Insider, Fast Company, Mashable, Lifehacker, and more.
Ramp is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes make informed decisions. We adhere to strict editorial guidelines to ensure that our content meets and maintains our high standards.


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