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Charge cards and credit cards are both forms of cashless payments, but the way you pay them off is different. While credit cards allow you to carry a balance, charge cards must be paid in full every month.

Aside from how payment works, there are a few other differences you should know. In this article, we'll explain how charge cards and credit cards work so you can choose the right card for your business needs.

How does a charge card work?

‍A charge card is similar to a business credit card, except that it needs to be paid in full every month. There’s no option to make a minimum payment and carry your balance to the next month with interest, which some might consider to be a disadvantage.

In addition, charge cards come with expense management software and custom controls to help manage employee spending. You can add rules like merchant restrictions and preset spending limits to enforce your company’s expense policy.

Charge cards vs. credit cards at a glance

Here's a quick overview of the differences between charge cards and credit cards:

Feature Credit card Charge card
Spending limit Has a preset credit limit, which can vary based on creditworthiness, income, and other factors No preset spending limit, but purchases are approved based on spending habits and financial resources
Carrying a balance Allows users to carry a balance from month to month, with interest accruing on unpaid balances Requires full balance payments each month. No interest charges since the balance can’t be carried over
Interest rates Typically charges interest on balances carried month-to-month No interest rates since the balance must be paid in full
Fees May have annual fees, interest fees, and late fees Often has no annual fee or other fees
Rewards and benefits Often offers rewards like cashback, points, or miles, with perks like travel insurance Typically offers rewards programs like cashback or points as well as vendor discounts
Building credit Can help build credit history when used responsibly because activity is reported to credit bureaus Also beneficial for building credit history; payment information is reported to credit bureaus
Flexibility in payments Provides flexibility in managing cash flow by allowing minimum payments Less flexible since the full balance must be paid monthly
Suitability Good for businesses looking to earn rewards and pay off balances over time thanks to flexible payment terms Ideal for businesses that value high-end rewards and benefits and can afford to pay off their full balance each month
Approval criteria Typically requires good credit and a personal guarantee Usually has no credit check but requires a certain minimum balance in a business bank account

4 key differences between charge cards and credit cards

Now let's take a closer look at the key differences between charge cards vs. credit cards that you should keep in mind.

1. Payment terms

Although charge cards offer more flexible spending limits, credit cards have more flexible payment terms.

No matter how much you spend with your credit card during a given billing cycle, you’re only required to make the minimum monthly payment by the due date. This amount may represent a mere fraction of the outstanding balance for each billing cycle. Any unpaid balance that’s rolled over to the next month is charged according to your interest rate.

Be warned, though: The option to pay over time makes it deceptively easy to rack up debt on your account. If you repeat this cycle over a long period, your business can accrue enormous interest on your balance, damaging your credit score in the process.

In contrast, you must pay your charge card’s balance in full every month. As a result, this means you won’t pay interest or late fees. Businesses with consistent cash flow that can shoulder the full expense may find this option to be a highly effective way to manage their budgets.

2. Spending limits

Credit cards cap the amount of credit available to cardholders each month. Once you reach your credit limit, you’re automatically restricted from making new purchases on the account. Once you pay down some of that debt, then your available credit increases again.

When you’re approved for a card, the issuer determines your credit limit based on your credit score and payment history. If you'd like to raise your limit, you'll have to demonstrate a history of responsible and frequent card use.

Charge cards, on the other hand, don’t have preset card limits. Their spending limit fluctuates (sometimes even monthly) based on factors like:

  • Credit history
  • Monthly spending
  • Liquid assets
  • Historical sales
  • Repayment habits

These flexible limits make charge cards useful for large purchases or multiple purchases in a short timeframe.

3. Eligibility requirements

Credit card issuers determine your eligibility based on your credit history. If you have a bad credit score, you'll still qualify for some cards, but they'll usually come with higher interest rates. Having a good to excellent credit score allows you to access the best credit cards.

Charge cards, on the other hand, evaluate your application based on your company's financial situation. Most providers consider your annual revenue and amount of capital in the bank. So, if you don't have an established business credit history, you can still qualify—as long as your business is bringing in enough profit.

4. Impact on credit score

Credit utilization refers to how much of your available credit you’re using at any given time, expressed as a percentage. Since credit cards come with a preset limit, how much of that credit you use compared to your total available credit will impact your profile. In fact, this factor accounts for a weighty 30% of your FICO credit score.

Keeping your credit utilization low can help improve your credit score. It signals to creditors and credit bureaus that you can use your card—and pay it off—responsibly. Conversely, a higher credit utilization ratio will negatively impact your credit report.

Charge cards generally don’t come with preset limits, so credit agencies don’t factor credit utilization rates into their scoring models. Because of this, making larger purchases with a charge card instead of a credit card can help improve your credit score instead of harming it.

What’s the difference between a charge card and a debit card?
A charge card, often used by businesses for purchasing flexibility, requires the full balance to be paid off each month. This allows for potentially large, short-term spending without interest or late fees. In contrast, a debit card withdraws funds directly from a business’s bank account, providing a straightforward way to manage expenses by spending only what's available.

Should I get a charge card or a credit card?

If your business makes steady money every month, a charge card could work well since it requires paying off the full balance monthly. This can help keep spending in check. On the other hand, if money comes in more sporadically, a credit card might be better since you can carry a balance from month to month, providing some financial flexibility during tighter times.

Expense management is another factor to consider. Charge cards often come with tools that help track and control spending, making it easier to manage business expenses. Credit cards may also have expense management features, but they might not be as comprehensive. The right card can provide valuable insights into your spending, helping to streamline budgeting and financial planning for a small business.

Lastly, consider the costs and rewards of each card type. Credit cards often have rewards programs, but they also come with annual fees and interest rates. Charge cards can also offer rewards—for example, Ramp provides 1.5% cashback on purchases with no fees or interest.

Best charge cards for June 2024

If you think a charge card is right for your business, you have plenty of options.

Here are our top picks for business charge card issuers:

Ramp’s charge card takes the complexity out of corporate finance

At Ramp, we offer corporate charge cards with no credit check, no personal guarantee, and unlimited 1.5% cashback on purchases. In addition to physical cards, you can also spin up an unlimited number of virtual corporate cards for you and your employees.

Combined with our powerful expense management platform, Ramp cards track and report your business expenses while identifying savings opportunities. To qualify for Ramp, all you need is:

  • A registered LLC or corporation in the US
  • An Employer Identification Number
  • $50,000 or more in a U.S. business bank account—or, commerce businesses may be eligible for our sales-based underwriting
  • Personal contact details as the business owner
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Content Lead, Ramp
Fiona writes about B2B growth strategies and digital marketing. Prior to Ramp, she led content teams at Google and Intercom. Fiona graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in English. Outside of work, she spends time dreaming about hiking the Pacific Crest Trail one day.
Ramp is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes make informed decisions. We adhere to strict editorial guidelines to ensure that our content meets and maintains our high standards.


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