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Handling cash in any business is a delicate task that requires a solid foundation of policies and procedures. A cash handling policy template is a standardized guideline designed to safeguard cash assets, minimize risks, and maintain integrity in financial operations. But what exactly is a cash handling policy, and why is it crucial for businesses? Let's dive into the essentials.

What is a cash handling policy and why is it required?

A cash handling policy outlines the protocols and procedures for managing cash transactions within a business. This policy is essential to ensure that all cash-related activities are conducted securely and efficiently, reducing the risk of theft, fraud, and errors. The main goal is to protect cash assets, provide clear instructions for employees, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

Cash handling policies are used by several entities, including:

  • Retail businesses: To manage daily cash transactions, deposits, and withdrawals.

  • Non-profit organizations: To safeguard donations and other cash inflows.

  • Educational institutions: To handle tuition fees, grants, and other monetary collections.

  • Financial institutions: To oversee cash deposits, withdrawals, and transfers.

Importance of cash handling policy

Without a strong cash handling policy, businesses are vulnerable to financial losses, legal issues, and damaged reputations. Here’s a detailed look at why it’s so important:


A well-designed policy ensures that cash is protected at all stages, from collection to storage and deposit. By implementing strict security measures, you reduce the risk of theft and fraud, safeguarding your business's financial resources. Internal theft is less likely to happen when employees know that strict controls and regular audits are in place.


A comprehensive policy includes detailed procedures for counting, recording, and reconciling cash, reducing the risk of errors that could lead to financial discrepancies. Standardized procedures ensure that all employees handle cash in the same manner, maintaining consistency across the organization.


A cash handling policy clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of employees involved in the cash handling department. This assignment of responsibility ensures that individuals are accountable for their actions, reducing the likelihood of errors and misconduct. Detailed documentation of all cash transactions creates a paper trail that can be audited.


Businesses must comply with various laws and regulations regarding cash handling. A comprehensive policy ensures that your business adheres to these requirements, avoiding legal issues and potential fines. Regular audits help identify and rectify any issues promptly.


A clear cash handling policy streamlines cash-related processes, making them more efficient. Employees know exactly what steps to follow, reducing the time spent on cash handling activities.

Enhancing customer trust

Customers are more likely to trust a business that demonstrates sound financial practices. A well-implemented cash handling policy shows that your business is committed to security and accuracy, enhancing customer confidence.

What to include in a cash handling policy?

Creating an effective cash handling policy involves several key components. Here’s a comprehensive look at what to include:

Purpose of the policy

The primary purpose of the policy is to control and secure the business's cash assets. This includes outlining the objectives and scope of the policy, emphasizing the importance of security, accuracy, and accountability.

Safe storage and security measures

Establish protocols for the safe storage of cash, including the use of safes, lockboxes, and secure locations. Implement strict security measures such as restricted access, camera surveillance, and alarms. Use safes with drop slots to minimize the frequency of openings, thereby reducing exposure to theft and errors.

Two-person opening requirement for safety

Implementing a two-person rule for opening safes or cash storage areas is a critical security measure. This rule ensures that no individual has sole access to the cash. By requiring two people to be present and to verify the amount of cash stored, the business adds an additional layer of security, making it harder for any unauthorized activities to go unnoticed.

Define roles of safe handler and cash handler clearly

To prevent collusion and increase accountability, it's essential to separate the roles of the safe handler and the cash handler. Ensuring that the person who manages daily cash transactions is different from the one who handles the safe, businesses can create a system of checks and balances. This separation also makes it easier to identify and address any errors or discrepancies that may arise.

Protocols for transporting cash

Establishing secure protocols for transporting cash is vital to ensure the safety of funds both within and outside business premises. For large amounts of cash, using professional armored transport services is recommended. Assigning security escorts during cash transportation and defining specific, non-predictable routes and times can further enhance security.

Documenting cash counts with details

Each cash count should be recorded with the date and time it took place, the amount of cash counted, and the names of the individuals involved. Any discrepancies found during the count should also be documented, along with the actions taken to resolve them. This detailed documentation helps to ensure that all cash handling activities are transparent and accountable.

Signature and record-keeping requirements

Requiring signatures from authorized personnel for all cash transactions and maintaining comprehensive records are key practices for ensuring accountability. Signatures provide a clear trail of responsibility, making it easier to audit cash handling processes.

Procedures for cash handoff and return

Clear procedures for the handoff and return of cash between employees are essential to maintaining a secure and accountable cash handling process. Each handoff and return should be documented. Both parties should count and verify the cash amount during the handoff. 

Additional considerations for effective cash handling

A well-rounded cash handling policy should also address the following considerations:

  • Select a secure, accessible location for storing cash. The area is monitored, and equipped with security measures.

  • Perform thorough background checks on employees involved in cash handling to ensure trustworthiness and integrity.

  • Regularly update safe combinations and access codes to enhance security and reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

Download the Cash Handling Policy template today and take the first step towards securing your business's financial future.

Procedure of Cash Handling

Establishing a clear procedure for cash handling is essential for maintaining consistency and security. Here’s an example procedure:

Receiving cash

When receiving cash, whether from sales, donations, or other sources, ensure that it is counted and verified immediately by the receiving personnel. Use a cash register or counting machine for accuracy. Provide a receipt for every cash transaction, creating a record for both the business and the customer, which reduces the risk of disputes.

Recording transactions

Document each cash transaction in the financial records using a point-of-sale (POS) system, manual ledger, or accounting software. Maintain daily logs of all cash transactions, including the amount, date, time, and personnel involved. These logs should be reviewed and reconciled regularly to ensure accuracy.

Storing cash

Immediately the store received cash in a secure location, such as a safe or lockbox. Access to this storage should be restricted to authorized personnel only. Limiting the number of individuals with access to the safe or lockbox reduces the risk of theft and ensures a clear record of who accessed the cash.

Daily reconciliation

At the end of each day, conduct a cash count to reconcile the day’s transactions with the recorded amounts. This process should be performed by at least two individuals to ensure accuracy and transparency. Any discrepancies found during reconciliation should be investigated immediately, with findings documented and corrective actions taken as necessary.

Transporting cash

When transporting cash, follow established protocols to ensure its safety. This may include using armored transport services, security escorts, or secure bags. Implement a two-person rule for transporting large amounts of cash to add an extra layer of security and accountability.

Depositing cash

Ensure that cash is deposited in the bank regularly, preferably daily, to minimize the amount of cash held on the premises and reduce the risk of theft. Document each deposit, including the amount, date, and personnel involved, and verify that bank deposit slips match the cash counts recorded in your logs.

Regular audits

Conduct regular internal audits to ensure compliance with the cash handling policy. These audits help identify any issues or discrepancies and ensure that procedures are being followed correctly. Schedule periodic external audits by an independent party to provide an unbiased review of your cash handling processes, helping uncover potential weaknesses and areas for improvement.

Incident reporting

Establish a clear mechanism for reporting incidents of theft, fraud, or errors. Encourage employees to report any suspicious activities without fear of retaliation. Have a defined response plan for dealing with incidents, including investigating the issue, taking corrective actions, and updating the policy as necessary to prevent future occurrences.

Responsibility of cash handling department manager

The cash handling department manager plays a crucial role in overseeing the policy's implementation. Their responsibilities include:

  • Ensure all employees are trained in cash handling procedures.

  • Regularly review cash handling practices for compliance.

  • Perform routine audits to detect and address discrepancies.

  • Continuously update the policy to address new risks and changes in regulations.

  • Handle any incidents of theft, fraud, or errors promptly and effectively.

How big is the cash theft problem?

Cash theft remains a significant issue for businesses worldwide. According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), organizations lose an estimated 5% of their annual revenues to fraud, with cash theft being a common form. This highlights the importance of having robust cash handling policies in place to mitigate such risks.

Understanding why theft occurs can help in developing better preventative measures. Common reasons include:

  • Lack of controls and oversight creates opportunities for theft.

  • Employees may face financial hardships, leading them to steal.

  • Some individuals justify theft as a means to cope with personal or financial issues.

  • Poor supervision and lack of accountability can encourage theft.

Use Ramp for effective cash management

Ramp's accounting processes include various features that streamline and enhance the efficiency of financial operations, including cash handling. Here’s how Ramp Automation can help:

  • Ramp's AI-powered Accounts Payable (AP) processing ensures that your invoices and payments are handled quickly and accurately. This reduces manual entry errors and speeds up the payment cycle.

  • By automating your accounts payable workflow, Ramp ensures that all cash-related transactions are processed smoothly, reducing the need for manual intervention and minimizing delays.

  • Ramp provides precise and up-to-date financial records, ensuring that your cash handling is always transparent and traceable. This is critical for audits and financial reporting.

  • With real-time data syncing, you always have the latest information about your cash flow, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly. This feature ensures that your financial data is always current and accurate.

  • Ramp offers complete visibility into the status of your bills, so you know exactly when payments are due and can manage your cash flow effectively. This helps in maintaining a healthy balance between cash inflows and outflows.

  • Ramp's platform is built to scale with your business, providing intelligent insights and analytics that help you optimize cash handling processes as your business grows.


Who is responsible for cash handling in an organization?

Typically, employees involved in cash transactions, such as cashiers, accountants, and financial officers, are responsible for cash handling. The specific roles and responsibilities are defined in the organization's Cash Handling Policy.

How should cash be stored securely?

Cash should be stored in a secure, locked safe or drawer with restricted access. The storage area should be monitored with security cameras, and only authorized personnel should have access to the cash storage.

What are the best practices for cash transport?

When transporting cash, ensure:

  • Use of tamper-evident bags.
  • Dual custody (two people) during transport.
  • Use of secure transportation methods (e.g., armored vehicles for large amounts).
  • Avoiding predictable routines and times.

How can theft or fraud be prevented in cash handling?

To prevent theft or fraud:

  • Implement strict access controls and authorization.
  • Conduct regular audits and surprise inspections.
  • Train employees on ethical behavior and the importance of cash handling procedures.
  • Use surveillance cameras in cash handling areas.
  • Encourage a culture of transparency and accountability.

What should employees do if they suspect theft or fraud?

Employees should promptly report any suspicions of theft or fraud to their supervisor or through the organization's designated reporting channels. Anonymity should be maintained to protect the identity of the whistleblower.

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Head of SEO, Ramp
Shaun Hinklein is the Head of SEO at Ramp. Prior to Ramp he built and executed SEO campaigns for Squarespace, Walmart, and Comic Con. Graduating from Rutgers University with a Journalism degree Shaun began his career at MTV News where he became responsible for maintaining Wordpress websites and gaining traffic to them. Learning SEO as a way to achieve that goal, Shaun built dozens of specialized websites for agencies, record labels, and nonprofits before starting his startup career at an incubator in Brooklyn. There he would accept the responsibility of leading SEO at , which would later be acquired for $3.3B by Walmart. When not solving SEO puzzles or building growth campaigns Shaun is scoring music for independent games from his home office in Red Bank, NJ.
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