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Organizations are always looking for opportunities to optimize workflows, improve compliance, and reduce tax burdens; receipt scanning apps can help with all three. These applications streamline the process of collecting, storing, and analyzing receipts, turning a pile of paper slips into organized, actionable data.

But which app is right for you? In this article, we’ll share the best receipt scanner app to help you decide.

What is a receipt scanner app?

Receipt management apps use technology to capture, store, and organize receipt data electronically. 

Unlike traditional receipt management methods, which typically involve manual sorting, stapling, and filing paper receipts, these apps automate the entire process.


By automating data entry and cloud storage, receipt management apps transform expense tracking into an efficient and virtually error-free process.

These apps can help your company save time, improve accuracy and compliance, and provide greater insight into your business finances by digitizing and automating aspects of expense management.

5 top receipt scanner apps for businesses in 2024

  • Ramp
  • Expensify
  • Zoho Expense
  • Dext
  • Shoeboxed

Here’s a look at some of the top receipt scanner apps available in 2024.


Ramp isn’t a traditional receipt scanning app—it’s an integrated expense management tool that features OCR capabilities for receipt scanning.

This distinction is crucial because Ramp offers a comprehensive solution that goes beyond mere receipt management to include expense approval workflows, spending insights, and automated savings recommendations.

  • Pricing: $0 to $12 per user per month (billed annually)
  • Mobile app: Yes
  • Document management: Yes
  • Features:
    • Employee cards with built-in spending policies
    • Customizable approval workflows
    • Set auto-enforced limits and controls
    • Automate reviews and reconciliations
  • Pros:
    • A holistic financial solution encompassing expense tracking, reporting, and strategic financial planning
    • Seamlessly integrates with major accounting systems, including Oracle NetSuite, Xero, QuickBooks, and Sage
    • Robust security measures
  • Cons:
    • Auto-enforced spending limits can leave employees with a card that doesn’t work
Simplify your expense management with Ramp


Expensify is a common choice for businesses of all sizes due to its easy-to-use interface and powerful features, including receipt scanning, expense report automation, and real-time expense tracking.

  • Pricing: $5 to $9 per user per month (billed annually)
  • Mobile app: Yes
  • Document management: No
  • Features:
    • One-click receipt scanning
    • Import personal and business credit card transactions
    • Customizable approval workflows
  • Pros:
    • SmartScan technology captures receipt details and prepares detailed expense reports to streamline the expense reimbursement process
    • Integrates with many accounting, HR, and travel applications
    • AI-powered receipt auditing
  • Cons:
    • No free version for freelancers and independent contractors with basic needs
    • The user interface has a steep learning curve

Zoho Expense

Zoho Expense is another good option, particularly for mall- to medium-sized businesses already embedded within the Zoho ecosystem.

  • Pricing: $0 to $7 per user per month (billed annually)
  • Mobile app: Yes
  • Document management: No
  • Features:
    • Multiple methods for uploading expenses
    • Multi-currency support
    • Mileage tracking
  • Pros:
    • User-friendly interface
    • Lots of customizations available
    • Integrates with other applications in the Zoho ecosystem
  • Cons:
    • Multi-entity management only available on Enterprise plan
    • Expense creation isn’t as automated as it could be


Dext (formerly known as Receipt Bank) targets retailers with features that support efficient bookkeeping and financial management.

  • Pricing: $199.99 to $214.99 per month (annual subscription required)
  • Mobile app: Yes
  • Document management: Yes
  • Features:
    • Submit receipts and other documents via a mobile app, email, drag and drop, or bank fetch
    • Ability to set rules to automatically categorize new expenses as they come in
    • Supports over 11,500 banks and financial institutions
  • Pros:
    • Integrates with several e-commerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Shopify
    • Helps streamline daily activities
    • Does a good job of accurately extracting data from receipts
  • Cons:
    • Lag time between submitting receipts and having them show up in the system
    • Can be difficult to get in touch with customer service


Shoeboxed is a good option for individual freelancers and small businesses. Its primary selling point is the ability to turn a cluttered pile of business receipts into digitized, categorized, IRS-accepted data with minimal user input.

  • Pricing: $18 to $54 per month (billed annually)
  • Mobile app: Yes
  • Document management: Yes
  • Features:
    • Users can mail an envelope of receipts to Shoeboxed for scanning
    • Mileage tracking via the mobile app
    • Auto-import receipts from Gmail to Shoeboxed
  • Pros:
    • Multi-currency support
    • Pricing model based on the number of physical and digital document scans needed
  • Cons:
    • Can’t scan anything other than receipts and business cards
    • Not great for businesses with more complicated accounting needs

Essential features of top receipt scanning apps

So what makes a receipt app for business “the best?” Here are some essential features to look for when choosing a receipt scanner app.

  • Optical character recognition (OCR) technology. Traditional receipt management relies on manually inputting details from receipts, invoices, and other documents. Receipt management apps leverage OCR technology to extract data automatically from scanned receipt images and then use this data to categorize expenses and store the information electronically.
  • Multi-currency support. Global businesses need to process receipts in multiple currencies. The best solutions offer multi-currency support, automatically converting foreign currency values into the business’s base currency at an accurate exchange rate.
  • Integration with accounting software. Integration with accounting platforms is a crucial component of any receipt scanner app because it allows seamless data transfer from the app to accounting systems, facilitating real-time expense tracking, easier account reconciliations, and more up-to-date financial records.
  • Security and user privacy. The best apps encrypt data while in transit and at rest to protect against unauthorized access and incorporate security protocols like passwords and multi-factor authentication to ensure only authorized personnel can access the company’s financial data.
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Benefits of using receipt scanner apps for managing expenses

Next, look at the advantages you can uncover using a receipt scanner app.

Time and cost savings

One of the most tangible benefits of using receipt scanner apps is the considerable time and cost savings they offer. 

The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) estimates that the average employee takes 20 minutes to complete an expense report. That’s not a significant time investment for one or two team members. However, multiply that 20 minutes by 10, 20, 50 or more employees every month, and suddenly, this adds up to days or even weeks of lost productivity.

Improved accuracy and compliance

Receipt scanner apps minimize human error and ensure increased compliance with company policies, accounting standards, and tax regulations. 

For example, many expense receipt apps automatically flag expenses that don't adhere to company policy, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

Enhanced visibility into spending

Automating expense tracking provides real-time insights into business expenses, which can help with budgeting and financial planning.

With manual expense reporting processes, it can take weeks or even months for employees to submit expenses, have them approved by management, and get them entered into the accounting software. 

Receipt scanning gets you closer to real-time expense tracking, and having access to current data helps you make timely, informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information.

Streamlined workflow

Automating your expense reporting process simplifies your workflow, from submitting receipts to approving expenses and reimbursing employees.

Improving these processes saves time and money but also delivers other benefits that are tougher to quantify, such as improved employee job satisfaction and morale, a better workplace culture, and no more missed deadlines.

Types of receipt scanner apps

Understanding the different types of receipt scanner apps available can help you choose the right one for your needs. Here are the main categories of receipt scanning apps.

Stand-alone receipt scanner apps

These apps focus exclusively on capturing and organizing receipts. They’re ideal for businesses that want to digitize, extract data, and categorize business expenses without additional features.

Expense tracking apps

These apps go beyond basic receipt scanning, offering features such as a business expense tracker, budgeting, employee credit cards, and expense report approvals to help your business track and manage expenses.

Comprehensive expense management platforms

The most advanced category, these platforms incorporate receipt scanning as a feature in a full suite of financial management tools. Other features of the platform might include automated expense reporting, integration with the company’s enterprise risk management (ERP) system, and advanced analytics.

Integrating receipt scanning apps with your existing accounting platforms

Integrating receipt scanning technology with your existing accounting platform can transform your financial reporting. 

Compatible Accounting Platforms

Many top receipt scanning apps are compatible with various popular accounting platforms and other apps your business already uses. Here’s a look at some of the integrations offered by Ramp.

Category Details
Accounting platforms QuickBooks Online, Xero, Sage, Oracle Netsuite
Expense automation Amazon Business, Gmail, Microsoft, Lyft
Bank connections Chase, Bank of America, Citi, Wells Fargo, US Bank, Capital One, 80+ more banking connections

Ramp integrates with thousands of other apps and software platforms to streamline and maximize your financial processes, making them more efficient, transparent, and compliant.

How to use a receipt scanner app

Following these steps will help you get the most out of your receipt scanning app’s features:

  1. Download and install the app. Download the app of your choice on your mobile device. Sign up or log in to create an account.
  2. Set up account preferences. Configure the app to match your business needs and workflows. This might include setting currency preferences, approval guidelines, or expense categories.
  3. Capture receipts. Use the app’s camera function to take a photo of each receipt. Ensuring the receipt is flat, clear, and well-lit helps the app accurately capture all necessary information.
  4. Receive and edit details. After the app processes the receipt, review the captured details to ensure the vendor name, date, amount, and category are correct.
  5. Submit for approval (if applicable). If your organization requires expense approval, submit itemized receipts through the app’s built-in workflow. 
  6. Sync with your accounting software. If the app integrates with your accounting software, this automation updates your records and saves you from manual data entry.

Beyond receipt scanning: Maximizing your expense management with Ramp

Ramp’s spend management platform offers integrated, advanced features that go beyond the utility of traditional receipt scanning tools.

Ramp seamlessly integrates with your accounting software to simplify the expense and process by automatically logging and categorizing every transaction so you can optimize your spending with detailed insights into purchasing patterns and potential savings.

Ramp’s customizable controls and analytics tools give you more control over corporate cards, provide actionable insights into spending habits, and help you spot potential savings opportunities.

If you’re ready to transform complex receipt and expense management into a streamlined, efficient process, learn more about Ramp’s expense management software and sign up for a free trial today. 

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CPA, Accounting & Tax Content Writer
Janet Berry-Johnson, CPA, is a freelance writer with a background in accounting and income tax planning and preparation. She is passionate about making complicated accounting and income tax information accessible to readers. 
Ramp is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes make informed decisions. We adhere to strict editorial guidelines to ensure that our content meets and maintains our high standards.


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“We’re trying to get into a good rhythm of closing the books within 10-12 days, and Ramp has been a huge, huge lifesaver and time saver for us.”
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“With Ramp, we have complete control and governance over company-wide spend in real time...we can easily close expenses by the first week of the month versus the third or fourth week of the following month.”
Nichole Horton, Controller, 8VC

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“Ramp Travel gives me the ability to set the controls I need, and employees the freedom and flexibility to book travel easily."
Andrew Clarke, VP Finance, Studs

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“We were going to hold office hours, but it was so quiet that we never needed to. All the feedback was positive -- it was very easy to roll out.”
Heather Bruzus, Principal Accountant, Mindbody & Classpass