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If your company spends a lot on fuel, whether because you manage a fleet of vehicles or your team frequently travels by car, you’ve likely considered a dedicated gas business credit card to earn rewards on fuel purchases.

The best gas cards offer expense management features in addition to rewards that can benefit your business. ‍In this guide, we’ll list the 7 best gas cards to help you manage fuel expenses and earn rewards on gas.

Are fuel cards worth it for small businesses?

You can always use your primary business credit card for gas, but you might want to consider a gas card to start earning better rewards on fuel purchases.

A fuel card can help your small business track gas expenses with reports customized by driver, truck, date, and other factors so you can easily search and analyze spending. In addition, gas business credit cards often offer perks like fraud protection, extended warranties, and travel insurance. These benefits can provide added peace of mind for your business.

If fuel is one of your primary business expenses each month, there are no major drawbacks to getting a business gas credit card—provided it has no annual fee and a reasonable APR. But if you frequently have varied business expenses, a straightforward cashback business credit card might be a better choice.

Another option to consider is a gas debit card, which is a debit card you can only use to purchase fuel. But note that these cards won't come with the membership rewards you’d get with a gas credit card, and they won’t help you build business credit.

7 best gas credit card options for businesses

We’ve narrowed down our selections to the 7 top gas credit cards to consider for your company’s fuel purchases.

Here are the best business gas credit cards to choose from based on their total rewards, spend management features, interest rates, and low annual fees:

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‍Which business gas card is the easiest to get?

The easiest business gas credit cards to get are secured credit cards, which generally have lower credit score requirements. However, secured credit cards require that you put down a minimum deposit when you apply, which then acts as your credit limit.

Bank of America’s Business Advantage Unlimited Cash Rewards Secured Credit Card is one option if you’re considering a secured credit card that still offers cashback rewards.

Do gas cards build business credit?

Yes, gas cards build business credit as long as the card issuer reports to one of the business credit bureaus, such as Equifax, TransUnion, or Dun & Bradstreet. Prepaid gas cards, like the Shell Refillable Card, don't report to business credit agencies and thus won't help you build business credit.

Fuel cards simplified with Ramp

Ramp’s powerful fleet cards offer cashback rewards while allowing you to customize spending and vendor limits for your employees.

Businesses that use Ramp save an average of 5% a year, managing their travel spend more efficiently with features like:

  • Customizable spend and vendor controls
  • Intuitive accounting integrations
  • ‍Enhanced visibility and spending insights
  • Unlimited physical and virtual cards for your employees
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Content Lead, Ramp
Fiona writes about B2B growth strategies and digital marketing. Prior to Ramp, she led content teams at Google and Intercom. Fiona graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in English. Outside of work, she spends time dreaming about hiking the Pacific Crest Trail one day.
Ramp is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes make informed decisions. We adhere to strict editorial guidelines to ensure that our content meets and maintains our high standards.


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