City of Santa Monica charges

Ramp has processed transactions for City of Santa Monica.

You might see City of Santa Monica listed on your credit card statement as:
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Ramp is a spend management platform used by over 30,000 businesses for easy-to-use cards, spend limits, approval flows, vendor payments, and more. Ramp has merchant data on over 1 million unique acceptors, over 8x more than other credit card charge databases. Merchant charges aren’t always recognizable on card statements, and Ramp’s exhaustive dataset is the most reliable way to better understand where and why charges are appearing on your statements.

City of Santa Monica could appear on your statement as:

What is City of Santa Monica?

The City of Santa Monica is a municipal government agency that serves the residents, businesses, and visitors of Santa Monica, California. Committed to providing a high quality of life for its community, the City of Santa Monica offers a wide range of services and programs.

  1. Public Safety: The City of Santa Monica prioritizes the safety of its residents and visitors, providing services such as police and fire protection, emergency preparedness, and public health programs.
  2. Transportation: To ensure efficient and sustainable mobility, the City offers various transportation options including bike lanes, public transit services, and parking management.
  3. Community Services: With a focus on community enrichment, the City provides recreational programs, parks and open spaces, libraries, and cultural events.
  4. Sustainability: Santa Monica is renowned for its commitment to sustainability. The City offers programs and initiatives to promote energy efficiency, waste reduction, water conservation, and renewable energy.
  5. Planning and Development: The City of Santa Monica is responsible for land use planning, zoning regulations, building permits, and enforcing construction codes to ensure responsible growth and development in the community.

City of Santa Monica website:

“Accurate classification of expenses is vital for businesses as it forms the backbone of financial reporting, tax compliance, and strategic decision-making. It enables businesses to track and analyze their spending patterns, identify cost-saving opportunities, and assess the profitability of various operations or projects.”
Audrey Carroll
Senior Manager, Accounting, Ramp

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