How Ramp enabled Glossier to save 5 hours/week and easily integrate with NetSuite

5 hours
per week saved with user-friendly, self-serve model
6 weeks
from discovery to onboarding
We were in disbelief. We were not prepared for the speed of execution.
Roxane Cosnard des Closets, Senior Manager of Financial Systems at Glossier
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The problem
Error-prone expense reporting software was frustrating and time-consuming
Glossier’s outdated expense reporting and spend management software didn’t match the company’s innovative, tech-first ethos. “We were looking to really modernize our accounts payable and our spend management solution at the same time,” says Roxane Cosnard des Closets, Senior Manager of Financial Systems at Glossier. The accounts payable solution the finance team originally selected had definite pros, including the deployment of virtual cards, but it ultimately was not the right fit for Glossier.

“It was a little glitchy,” explains Roxane. “Every time a new feature was released, something would break.” These glitches also added friction when it came to integrating the system with NetSuite: a mission-critical tool for Glossier. “I was probably reaching out to support at least once a week,” says Roxane. She estimates that she was spending between 3 and 5 hours each week fixing, tweaking, and contacting support.

Simply put: the system wasn’t working. It became a critical priority for the team to pivot to a new system—and to implement that system within six weeks. “Honestly, I didn’t think we could pull it off,” says Roxane.
Company name
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About the company
Glossier is one of the original direct-to-consumer (DTC) beauty companies. The brand “wrote the playbook” for how to sell beauty products online. The company, which until 2022 had focused solely on proprietary channels, has recently expanded into wholesale at Sephora. Glossier Is embarking on a strategic omnichannel expansion to expand on its mission to democratize beauty, further engage with their passionate community, and bring more Glossier to more people.
The solution
An out-of-the-box, self-serve system that saves time, integrates with NetSuite, and simplifies processes

Roxane and her team partnered with Ramp and did, in fact, pull off the daunting task of selecting and implementing a new corporate card and spend management ecosystem within six weeks. “Ramp really stood out, because we felt right from the start we were in such good hands and were able to kick things off so quickly,” says Roxane. “We were in disbelief. We were not prepared for the speed of execution.”

Ramp’s ease of use and out-of-the-box features helped the finance team hit the ground running, and its ability to integrate seamlessly with NetSuite was of paramount importance to Roxane and her team.

Roxane had certain specific requirements, including the ability to create custom fields, which had caused sync errors with prior vendors; solid error management and troubleshooting capabilities; and vendor matching between NetSuite and Ramp to reduce duplication. Ramp was able to meet all of these requirements—which resulted in material time-savings and peace of mind for Roxane and her team.

The result
Seamless integration, hours saved, and more efficient processes

The ability to get up and running with Ramp was hugely important to Glossier, and the platform’s ease of use and seamless integration with NetSuite have already saved Roxane and her team up to 5 hours in troubleshooting and error resolution each week. The platform has also introduced process efficiencies that benefit both the finance team and business users. 

International Glossier subsidiaries in Europe and Canada, for example, have seen immediate expense reimbursement since Glossier partnered with Ramp—a huge improvement from the monthly reimbursements that had defined the previous system. 

The finance team has also seen significant improvements in expense coding, as Ramp allows more coding rules than Glossier’s legacy system. “90% of transactions are already coded with the right department and location and channel before they ever sync to NetSuite,” says Roxane. “Before, the accounting team had to go in and manually review everything if they didn’t have the right coding.” 

Ramp’s ease of onboarding, seamless integration with NetSuite, and overall improved efficiency has made a positive impact on Glossier’s operations. And Roxane and her team think this is just the beginning. “We’re constantly tweaking our process and finding ways to get even more efficient. It’s really important that we have a platform like Ramp that encourages us to keep evolving. It’s good for the team and it’s good for the business.” 

Looking to leverage the powerful automation and integration between NetSuite and Ramp? Learn more

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