What they don't tell you about acquisitions

In this session you will learn from industry leaders on what it’s really like to be acquired.

You’ll hear from:

- Waseem Daher, CEO & co-founder of Pilot.com, the bookkeeping, tax, and CFO service provider for high-growth technology startups, who has two previous successful exits: his first company, Ksplice, was acquired by Oracle in 2011 and his second, Zulip, was acquired by Dropbox in 2014.

- Immad Akhund, CEO & founder of Mercury - Banking for Startups, engineered in Silicon Valley for tech companies, who previously founded HeyZap and sold it for $45 million in 2016.

- Colin Kennedy, Ramp’s Chief Business Officer, was previously Chief Operating & Commercial Officer at Clarity money, where he led all partnerships, including the $100 million acquisition by Goldman Sachs.

Key Takeaways

  • When to pursue acquisitions
  • How an acquisition process works from the founder’s and leader’s perspective
  • How to message acquisitions to your investors and employees
  • What the acquiring companies are looking for on their end

About the speakers

Colin Kennedy
Chief Business Officer
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Waseem Daher
Founder & CEO
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Immad Akhund
Founder & CEO
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